
Monday, November 19, 2007

Tape Commands in Tru64

Useful Tape Commands in Tru64

Rewind and unload the tape
mt -t /dev/ntape/tape0 offline

1. rewind the tape
#mt -f /dev/ntape/tape0 rewind
#mt rewind

2. check the content
#vrestore -t -f /de/ntape/tape0

3. for interactive resotre
#vrestore -i

add - add the file
restore -restore the file

4. for manual restore
Example: restore jeff02.backup.log file from tape /dev/ntape/tape0/jeff02 to the current directory
# vrestore -x /jeff02/jeff02.backup.log

#vrestore -x -D /tmp /jeff02/jeff02.backup.log
root@jeff02:/tmp# cd /home
root@jeff02:/home# vrestore -x -D /tmp /jeff02/jeff02.backup.log
vrestore: Date of the vdump save-set: Mon Oct 22 20:33:06 2007
vrestore: Save-set source directory : /
vrestore: Target directory : /tmp


Anonymous said...

Can anyone recommend the top Managed Service tool for a small IT service company like mine? Does anyone use or How do they compare to these guys I found recently: N-able N-central software remote access
? What is your best take in cost vs performance among those three? I need a good advice please... Thanks in advance!

Anonymous said...

I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our society, and I can say with 99% certainty that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as memory gets cheaper, the possibility of copying our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could encounter in my lifetime.

(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i SDHC[/url] DS Ting2)